Retreat Recap: Vita Boot Camp

Women working out on the beach at Vita Boot Camp.


I like to do these weekly recaps when I have time to give you a glimpse into Vita Boot Camp and what goes on at the retreat. It’s an exciting week full of fitness and wonderful people – and the beach! So here is the recap for the week ending December 16, 2018.

The Guests: What a week it was last week at Vita Boot Camp! We had guests from Canada, Maine and South Florida. Because all of our fitness retreat guests come to Vita Boot Camp for different reasons, they’re usually all varying fitness levels and have their own reasons for coming to boot camp and their own goals that they want to accomplish while here. Some may come to enjoy an active vacation while others want to improve their fitness level or jumpstart their weight loss. Honestly, that’s the beauty of this program – it attracts people from all over the United States and the world. It makes for an interesting, exciting week as we get to know everyone during their stay. It’s also fun for the participants as they get to know each other, forge friendships and find support during the daily workouts from the others.

The Weather: It’s December in South Florida and we’re having a mild Fall/Winter season so far. It’s been pretty warm but the humidity has nearly disappeared and the nights have been cooler. It’s the perfect mix of warm and cool – the kind of weather you wish you could request from mother nature on a regular basis. For some reason, the cooler weather makes the sunrises absolutely gorgeous. This time of year provides picturesque mornings at the beach while we get started for the day – the best way to wake up!

The Talk: As you can imagine, people come to a fitness vacation to get re-motivated, energized and to get questions answered. Everyone is usually seeking some type of change to what they are currently doing and we love to help! This last week, we covered many topics but here a few that really stood out:

  • Changing Up Workouts – A common theme among our guests and what they are lacking in their daily workout regimen is change. It’s important to do what you like to do because that’s what’s going to get you up and moving in the first place. That being said, you also need to mix it up. So whether you throw in a new class once a week or follow a different format/tempo for your strength workouts, it’s important to mix it up a little and not do the same thing all of the time for each workout.

  • Balance and the Mind Body Connection – Honestly, balance is one of the biggest issues we see in our guests at Vita Boot Camp. Almost everyone tells us how they want to work on their balance. It’s no wonder that people are lacking in this area – we rarely challenge our balance anymore. We walk on finished floors (wood, marble, etc), paved roads and side walks and we choose the parking space closest to the building so we don’t have to walk very far. If you’re not training for balance, you’re probably not getting balance work in. As we age it is so important to refine this skill as not only is it good for your physical benefit but it also helps develop the mind body connection so the brain knows how to tell your body to move in the right way.

  • Developing A Sleep Ritual – It seems like so many people have trouble sleeping on a regular basis. At the retreat, an elevated metabolism (because of the activity level) is sometimes the culprit for a tough night of sleep but most people are affected positively in terms of sleep while here. Sleep troubles at home are a whole different story. One of the biggest factors in terms of sleeping problems is electronics and technology. It’s important to turn off your electronics and give yourself time to wind down before bed. Optimal time is to turn electronics off at least 2 hours prior to sleep. This gives your brain time to relax from the stimulation of electromagnetic stress coming from phones, tablets and computers. For many, this becomes part of their sleep ritual. Turn electronics off and read or take a hot bath instead – forcing yourself to let go of texting, surfing the internet and trolling on Facebook!


That’s it for this week’s Vita Boot Camp recap! We hope you join us for a fitness retreat soon! We love to see all of the smiling faces each week ready to reboot from head to toe and jumpstart healthy habits. Make sure to check out our private fitness retreats too if you’re interested in a customized retreat designed specifically for you!

We also offer Health & Wellness Coaching for those of you who can’t make it to a retreat. Check out our coaching page to learn more: Health & Wellness Coaching

Best In Health & Wellness,

Margot + The Vita Vie Retreat Team