15 Habits That Will Inspire Your Health and Fitness Goals

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We all need a little inspiration when it comes to reaching our health and fitness goals. Whether you’re trying to lose weight, improve your health, want to get stronger or meet a sport performance goal, it’s important to have a little motivation behind it. The majority of our fitness retreat guests come to the retreat seeking inspiration and motivation. While you may not be able to make it to us for a healthy getaway, we’ve got some ideas to get you started.

Here are 15 habits that might help you get excited about your goals and put a little more energy behind them.

Just start. No matter the goal, no matter where you’re starting from, just begin. Do what you can. That might be walking for 5 minutes a day until you build your strength up. It might mean drinking enough water daily. It might look like one extra sprint at 100% if you’re an athlete trying to reach a goal. The point is that progress is progress – no matter how big or small. So figure out what you can do today and do that. Just start!

Do what you love. There is nothing worse than feeling like you HAVE to do something. Do what it is that you love to do. If you hate running – don’t run. Walk or dance or whatever it takes to get you moving. If you can’t stand broccoli, don’t eat it! Find another green vegetable that you like and want to incorporate into your meals. There is no black and white when it comes to health and fitness. Do what motivates you to keep going.

Set goals that you can reach. We’re all motivated by results, right? Set goals that you can actually attain. This way, you’ll be much more apt to keep going. If you want to lose 30 pounds, it’s probably not going to happen in one month. Set a short term goal and a long term goal in this case. That way you will be able to see success along the way to your ultimate goal. If you’re not sure how to set goals, go here: Set Goals You Can Reach

Try something new. What if you found something you absolutely love but never knew you did? I can’t tell you how many times guests come to our fitness retreat and try a new class and get inspired! You’ll never know if you don’t try. So get in the habit of trying new things – new classes, new food, different environments, different instructors. You never know what might motivate you!

Get involved with a group. Sometimes, we’re motivated by a group environment and the support of others. For many, group support or even the support of just one other person can mean the difference between success and stagnation. So if you’ve been going it alone, check your local gym or small studio for small group training, boot camp groups or other group classes that will give you the environment you need.

Keep it positive. Focus on the good. Focus on your strengths. Focus on what you can do at this time in your life. If you need to, journal the positives on a daily basis to keep your mind in a positive place. Sometimes it also helps to write down your positive attributes and strengths – you may find some you didn’t outwardly know you had.

Practice gratitude. Enjoy the process. Don’t forget to enjoy every single moment along the way in your health and fitness journey. Practicing gratitude for everything – even the small moments that might not seem like a lot. They add up big in the end. Name something you’re grateful for in your health and fitness journey daily.

Practice non-judgmental awareness of yourself and others. Most people, including you, are doing the best they can with the resources they have in any particular moment. Everyone starts somewhere. Give yourself, and others, a break. – Psychology Today

Have a plan. Pencil in time for fitness, healthy eating and stress reduction just like you would any other meeting in your day. It it’s a goal, it must be important to you. Make it a priority. Whether you need to meal prep or bring your workout gear with you to work so you can make your favorite class, having a plan means being prepared. Being prepared is half of the battle when it comes to reaching your goals. Don’t flounder about – have a plan and stick to it as much as you can.

Track your data. If you’re a numbers person or a data person, you might want to track metrics like your measurements, weight, how much energy you have, if you’re getting stronger, if you can run 5 miles in a certain amount of time and more. Maybe you have a health metric to track like blood pressure or cholesterol. Track your results so you can see the kind of progress you’re making. This will help you determine if what you’re doing is working or not.

Plan B. Always have a plan B! Whether it’s healthy food or fitness, the day can get away from you in a flash. Let’s say you don’t have healthy food at home. Where is the nearest restaurant or delivery service that offers a healthy option? Didn’t get to the gym today? Will you do a 15 minute workout from an app on your phone, take a 20 minute walk or do some yoga via your computer? It’s a good idea to always have options in case things go awry.

Don’t forget downtime. Taking time to rest and recover is an incredibly important healthy habit to practice. That might mean stretching and flexibility, massage or foam rolling for you. It might mean getting in a good solid 8 hours of sleep. Whatever that means for you, make sure to get in enough R & R so you can function at your best all of the time.

Treat yourself. Yes, it’s important to treat yourself along the way. Life is all about balance and while you have a goal to reach, it’s also ok to have that piece of pizza you’ve been dying for or that incredible glass of wine you’ve been dreaming about. You don’t need to go overboard but a little reward here and there for your hard work is warranted.

Pay attention to what’s working. Pay attention to what’s working in your health and fitness journey. It’s like the saying, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” Replicate what’s working. Journaling is a great way to understand what’s working for you and what isn’t. Whether you journal in a hand held journal or an app on your phone, it can help you create a guide into what helps you succeed.

Learn to say no. Learn to say no to what doesn’t serve you or your goals. Say no to overextending yourself. Say no to those who drain you and take away from your own personal quest for health and wellness. You need to learn to establish limits and boundaries for your time and efforts. Only you can do this for yourself. Be strong!


We hope these habits help you reach your health and fitness goals! If you can’t make it to a fitness retreat and need personalized guidance, check out our Health & Wellness Coaching for one on one coaching (in person, Skype, FaceTime or Phone).

If you have questions about this post, please leave them in the comment box below. We’ll be happy to answer them for you.

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