Fitness Retreat Tips: Healthy Cooking Websites

Fitness Retreat Tips: Healthy Cooking Websites

If there’s one conversation that takes place more than any other at our fitness retreat, it’s about food. If you’re like me, you love delicious tasting food but sometimes need a healthier version of your favorites. Most of our guests usually ask for our favorite “go to” healthy cooking sites so they can have ideas for when they head home. Luckily in 2019, there are so many great websites out there dedicated to delicious tasting food that it also really good for you! Whether you’re vegan, vegetarian, paleo or just a regular eater, there is something for everyone.

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7 Tips For Mindful Eating

7 Tips For Mindful Eating

Mindful eating has come to the forefront of health and nutrition lately. It’s not always what you eat but how you eat that can make positive changes in your health and wellness. I can attest to this! I’m someone who’s tried every eating program, the newest fad diet and the oldest plan in the book. I’ve tried low carb, keto, gluten free, carb cycling, paleo and many others. What I realized is that figuring out what worked for me took much more than just experimenting with a new nutrition plan. It meant digging deeper to find out how I needed to eat versus what I needed to eat.

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10 Simple Breakfasts In 5 Minutes

10 Simple Breakfasts In 5 Minutes

Time management is the name of the game. Mornings seem to be a struggle to get something healthy to eat for many people. If you’re like me, you don’t want to be slaving over the stove in the morning. You want to be able to make a quick breakfast thats healthy and balanced in as little time as possible.

Breakfast is the first meal of the day and for many people, it sets the tone nutritionally for the day. It’s important to have options that can be made easily but that are also healthy and provide a balance of protein, carbohydrates and fat. This way you’ll start the day off satisfied. These 10 simple breakfast recipes can be made in 5 minutes or less.

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8 Tips For Healthy Eating While Traveling

8 Tips For Healthy Eating While Traveling

If you travel a lot for work or pleasure, you know that healthy food can sometimes be hard to come by. There aren’t to many healthy options even if you just need to stop quickly for a snack during a busy work day. There are so many unhealthy options and temptations lurking around every corner and every check out line. It’s not that there are zero healthy options but they seem to be few and far between. Eating healthy  while traveling means taking things into your own hands most of the time.

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10 Simple Paleo Snacks

10 Simple Paleo Snacks

Paleo eating, in general, is pretty simple. It’s not that complicated to implement and is really a diet rich in whole foods. Eating paleo eliminates all processed foods, dairy, legumes and grains. There are a few other nuances to eating paleo but that’s for a whole different post. I’m assuming if you’re here reading this blog post, you probably already know how to eat paleo and you’re looking for solutions for snacks. Which is exactly why I’m writing this post!

While I’m not necessarily a paleo eater all of the time, I do adopt a whole food way of eating and many of the meals and snacks that I eat are considered paleo. Snacks aren’t always the easiest thing to grab – especially if you’ve gone paleo. It seems like most of the snacks out there are full of junk, loaded with carbs or laden with sugar. Everywhere you turn there’s a cookie or cracker but quality sources of protein, fat and good carbs are fairly hard to come by. I’ve searched high and low and been able to find some great paleo snacks that you don’t even have to make. They can be taken or toted anywhere with you – even on the go!

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How To Eat Gluten Free: 5 Tips

How To Eat Gluten Free: 5 Tips

So you’ve decided to eat gluten free – now what? Gluten free eating is definitely a “thing” right now and for good reason. Gluten can cause a whole host of problems in the body. Many people have issues with gluten for one reason or another. They might have a gluten intolerance, an allergy to gluten or have some type of autoimmune issue. All of these can wreak havoc on the body. Whatever the reason that you’ve decided to adopt a gluten free lifestyle, we’re breaking down gluten free eating for you. Plus, we’ve got some helpful tips that simplify how to eat gluten free.

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Protein Breakfast Parfait: Two Ways

Protein Breakfast Parfait: Two Ways

Easy, balanced breakfasts are sometimes hard to come by. I know if you’re like me and my family, we need things that can be eaten easily without a lot of preparation in the morning. Or we need an option when we’re running out the door that can grabbed quickly and taken on the go.

It seems like protein is hard to add into breakfast if it isn’t something that’s cooked like eggs. I wanted to come up with a recipe that was balanced, had protein and is easy to take on the go. These protein breakfast parfaits are perfect for busy mornings and they can also be enjoyed slowly even if you aren’t in a rush. Plus, you can meal prep them ahead of time and use them as a healthy treat or snack too.

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5 Simple Containers That Make Food Prep Easy

5 Simple Containers That Make Food Prep Easy

How many of you food prep weekly? If you’re like me, a few hours a week is what it takes to get prepared for the week ahead. I generally do a Sunday food prep for two – three days worth of meals and then I’ll do a midweek food prep for the rest of the week. This helps me organize, maximizes my time and allows me to change my mind in terms of what I want to eat for the next few days. I’ve found in the past that if I food prep on Sunday for an entire week, I end up wasting food. By Tuesday, I don’t want to eat what I had planned for the rest of the week. So I keep it simple and do what works for me. While, I truly don’t love to food prep (yes, I’m admitting it), it is a MUST or my week can take a wrong turn in a hurry. I’ve got to be prepared and have food ready to go or “take out” screams my name.

To make life a little easier, I have figured out my “go to” food prep items. I now know which containers I like best and how I like to store my prepared eats. 

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