The 4 Pillars Of A Healthy Lifestyle (And How To Build Them Into Your Life)

The 4 Pillars Of A Healthy Lifestyle (And How To Build Them Into Your Life)

We all understand the importance of a healthy lifestyle to keep us living longer and better. However, there is so much conflicting and confusing advice out there about what a healthy lifestyle actually looks like that it can be difficult to pinpoint exactly what we need to do. Even when we do figure that out, we then have to deal with the challenge of building these habits into our busy schedules.

So, let’s take a step back and make it simple. Here are the four basic foundations of an effective head-to-toe strategy, and how to best incorporate them into your life.

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70 Simple Daily Habits You Can Do For Health, Fitness & Wellness

70 Simple Daily Habits You Can Do For Health, Fitness & Wellness

One of the biggest road blocks that people tell me they have is time. We are all living in a super busy, wound up, go all day kind of world. Getting in eating healthy and workouts and stress reduction can actually be a challenge when you’re trying to juggle work, family, relationships and more. (Believe me — I am right there with you!)

I was talking with one of our fitness retreat guests the other day and she wanted simple, broken down ideas of what she could do immediately when she returned home. Change seemed overwhelming for her and I know it is for many other people too. So I decided to create this easy list of 70 simple daily habits to give you ideas of what you can do right now to make small changes in your daily routine.

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19 Ways To Increase Your Activity Level (Without Working Out)

19 Ways To Increase Your Activity Level (Without Working Out)

Ready to increase your activity level without actually working out? You might be surprised to find out there are a number of ways to get active without hitting the gym. Now, we’re not saying that traditional workouts aren’t important because they are. However, for those people that need or want to increase their activity level or have a hard time getting workouts in, we’ve got some ideas for how you can move a little more.

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7 Tips For Mindful Eating

7 Tips For Mindful Eating

Mindful eating has come to the forefront of health and nutrition lately. It’s not always what you eat but how you eat that can make positive changes in your health and wellness. I can attest to this! I’m someone who’s tried every eating program, the newest fad diet and the oldest plan in the book. I’ve tried low carb, keto, gluten free, carb cycling, paleo and many others. What I realized is that figuring out what worked for me took much more than just experimenting with a new nutrition plan. It meant digging deeper to find out how I needed to eat versus what I needed to eat.

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31 Habits To Help Support Your Weight Loss Goals

31 Habits To Help Support Your Weight Loss Goals

Weight loss can be hard – and confusing. There’s no shortage of information out there about how to lose weight, what to eat, how to exercise, the newest superfood and the list goes on. Should you count calories or use portion control? Should you juice or go paleo? It’s endless! The good news is that weight loss really doesn’t have to be that hard. There are a ton of really simple habits that you can practice daily in order to reach your weight loss goals.

Here are 31 simple habits to practice if you want to reach your weight loss goals. My suggestion is to tackle one habit at a time. Focus on one action for one to two weeks. Master that habit and then move on to the next one adding one habit at a time.

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15 Habits That Will Inspire Your Health and Fitness Goals

15 Habits That Will Inspire Your Health and Fitness Goals

We all need a little inspiration when it comes to reaching our health and fitness goals. Whether you’re trying to lose weight, improve your health, want to get stronger or meet a sport performance goal, it’s important to have a little motivation behind it. The majority of our fitness retreat guests come to the retreat seeking inspiration and motivation. While you may not be able to make it to us for a healthy getaway, we’ve got some ideas to get you started.

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8 Tips For Healthy Eating While Traveling

8 Tips For Healthy Eating While Traveling

If you travel a lot for work or pleasure, you know that healthy food can sometimes be hard to come by. There aren’t to many healthy options even if you just need to stop quickly for a snack during a busy work day. There are so many unhealthy options and temptations lurking around every corner and every check out line. It’s not that there are zero healthy options but they seem to be few and far between. Eating healthy  while traveling means taking things into your own hands most of the time.

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