Top 5 Tools For Measuring Weight Loss

You have a goal to lose some weight. Great! Now what? First of all, having a goal is a great start. Establishing both short and long term goals is a good idea to keep you on track. Setting a goal you can reach in a relatively short period of time (2-4 weeks) will help keep your mind and body in the game if you have a longer term goal. If you’re not sure how to set weight loss goals, go here: How to set a weight loss goal you can actually achieve.

In terms of weight loss, it’s really important not to get hung up on the number on the scale. Yes, if you’re trying to lose weight, you probably have a number in mind that you want to see when you step on the scale at some point. But what’s most important is your body composition and the fact that you are getting smaller.

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There are a number of options to choose from. You’ll see my picks include simple and easy to options that are more complicated and give you much more information. Bottom line – choose what works best for you and stick with that method.

I always suggest weighing AND measuring if you’re going to use a scale. Measurements come in handy because they’ll actually tell you whether or not you’re getting smaller in terms of inches. This can point to a body composition change. Let’s say you lose 3 inches within your measurements one week but you don’t lose a pound on the scale. This would be a body composition change which means you may have added some muscle and lost fat. Because of this, the scale did not change but you still lost inches.

My favorite tools are the myo tape for measurements and just a plain old bathroom scale for weight.

MyoTape: This particular measuring tape is great because it helps to maintain the same amount of pressure for each measurement making your outcome more reliable. Get It Here

Bathroom Scale: You don’t really need anything fancy in terms of a scale. A digital body weight scale is the perfect tool to use. As we said above, if you’re going to use a scale, we HIGHLY recommend pairing it with measurements. The scale will only tell you how you’ve changed in terms of weight. It won’t tell you if you’ve gotten smaller due to body composition changes though. Because of this, we always recommend both. Body Weight Scale

Tanita FitScan Monitor Scale: Includes 19 measurements and segmental body composition. This scale provides information for physique changes and body balance.

From tracking body fat and muscle mass trends, to recommending calorie intake and indicating hydration levels this monitor helps you tailor your exercise and dietary requirements to achieve your goals.

FitScan Body Fat Monitor by Tanita

Hand Held Body Fat Monitor + MyoTape: If you’d rather not see a number on the scale (which is perfectly fine) and you’d rather just track body fat and/or measurements, the Omron hand held body fat monitor is a great choice. Pair it with measurements and you’ve got some solid information to go on and track. Like the Tanita, you’ll want to make sure you’re well hydrated and try to create same environment each time you take the measurement to ensure accurate information. Omron Hand Held Body Fat Monitor 

The Skulpt Scanner: The Skulpt device is a hand held device that can measure 24 different muscle groups and identify muscle imbalances and asymmetries to help you perform better. Get It Here

It also measures body fat percentage. A few more features:

  • TRAIN SMARTER: know what to work on, perform better, eliminate weaknesses and reduce injury risk

  • PREFERRED MUSCLE FITNESS TRACKER and training device of athletes participating in a variety of sports such as crossfit training, swimming, weight lifting and strength training

  • INDIVIDUALLY TAILORED FITNESS GUIDANCE tracks your progress in detail and adjusts fitness guidance accordingly; Scan your muscles in the privacy of your own home

  • LEADING TECHNOLOGY: Wireless, multi-platform syncs to Apple iPhone, iOS and Android phones via Bluetooth 4.1 & full integration with Apple Health; Convenient, non-wearable usage, water-resistant

Bonus: Letsfit Bluetooth Bodyfat Scale

This scale is so complete and adds in updated technology so you can connect to health data on Apple Health and Google Fit.

Measures bodyweight, body fat, BMI, body water weight, muscle, bone and more.

LetsFit Bluetooth Body Fat Scale


Not sure when or how often to weigh and or take measurements? For some reason, it seem like the general rule of thumb is to measure every week. Honestly, it’s a better idea to wait and measure, weigh and/or measure your body fat every two weeks. Give your body a chance to change. One week isn’t always enough time to allow your body to change. When you measure, you want to see results, right? We’re all motivated by progress. Because of this, it makes more sense to give yourself that time to make some improvements. 

We hope this post helps in terms of methods to measure for weight loss. If you have questions, leave them in the comments below and we’ll get back to you! If you need individual guidance, check out our Health & Wellness Coaching.

In summary:

  1. Set your weight loss goal/s.

  2. Choose your method of measuring.

  3. Measure every two weeks.