Mindset Matters: Rewiring The Brain & Affirmations

Have you ever heard the phrase, “your mindset creates your reality”? The thoughts we think, the stories we have written about ourselves and the beliefs that we hold about ourselves are all true to us. We believe them. Some may be good and some may not be - a very normal part of the human experience. 

Where the problem is when have a tough time breaking free from some of these negative thoughts and beliefs. Most of us have been through really challenging situations, traumatic events or other circumstances and we’ve developed these thoughts and stories along the way. According to entrepreneur.com, "Our subconscious mind basically does two things. First, it runs old programs we've taught it, automating much of our day. Second, it works to protect us and keep us safe. While this is tremendously helpful, the subconscious mind has its drawbacks.” Among those drawbacks is a type of protection shield that the subconscious uses to ensure safety. While it can be incredibly helpful, it can also hinder us from persisting forward and changing these stories. 

How Can We Rewire The Brain?

You might have heard of the term, Neuroplasticity. According to PositivePsychology.com, “It refers to the brain’s ability to adapt. When we learn something new, we create new connections between our neurons. We rewire our brains to adapt to new circumstances. This happens on a daily basis, but it’s also something that we can encourage and stimulate.” That’s where tools come into play. Using a tool such as affirmations can help to promote a positive mindset AND to rewire the brain. 

When most people think of affirmations, they generally default to the typical “I am” affirmations. They can be incredibly useful and these are what most people are familiar with. They’re a great place to start and according to some experts, can help solidify your own personal power in your beliefs. That being said, there are so many different types of affirmations. Here is a list of some of the various different types:

I am
I feel
I do 
I love
I speak
I see
I understand

Affirmations can be free flowing as well. They can also begin with a question. A few examples might be:

Isn’t it wonderful that I am valued and respected by my colleagues?

I’m the luckiest person on the planet because I always end up in the right place at the right time. 

In case you’re someone who has ever struggled with knowing what to say or where to start with affirmations, here’s a large list of ideas to inspire you:

I am beautiful

I am kind

I am smart

I am thoughtful

I am creative

I feel energetic 

I am funny

I am unique

I am sweet

I am sensual

I see beauty all around me

I am glowing from the inside out

I am successful

I am a hard worker

I am a great listener

I am non judgmental

I attract positivity

I am happy

I am peaceful

I am emotionally mature

I am curious

I love everything about myself

I listen to gain understanding before I speak

I am thoughtful

I am a clear communicator

I always show up with kindness

I assume the best

I focus forward

I speak love into the world

I am amazing 

I shine like a bright star

I am magnetic and people are attracted to me

I am healthy

I am grounded

I understand how my authenticity impacts others 

I am humble

I am honest

I am open

I feel grounded and down to earth

I am vulnerable

I am consistent

I respect myself

I respect my boundaries

I prioritize my happiness

I am steadfast in my love for myself

I am romantic

I am soft and gentle

I am committed to what’s most important to me

I always show up as my best self

I attract abundance

I’m easy to communicate with

I’m laid back

I always follow through

I am gorgeous

I have glowing skin

My smile lights up a room

I am confident in my skills and tools

I am confident in my in my skin

I am courageous

People value and respect me

I prioritize my health & wellness

I value my time

I value my friends and family

All of my dreams come true

I am always successful at everything I do

I always get the best from other people

I am fun

I love to laugh

I love unconditionally

I am understanding

I am patient

I slow down and tune in

I am present in every moment

I live life to the fullest

I am easy to get along with

I am easy to travel with

I see the lessons and learn from them

I love my ability to learn and grow

I am attractive

I am independent 

I have my own life

People are drawn to me

Wrapping It Up

There are many ways to rewire the brain. Affirmations are just one tool to consider but they’re an easy tool to implement. They can be used anywhere, anytime - while brushing your teeth, in the car, on your morning walk or whenever they fit into your day. One thing is for certain though, in order to change your thoughts, practice and repetition are required to see that change show up. Wishing you all the best! 

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