5 Tips To Regain Motivation

Do you struggle with motivation? You’re not alone! Motivation is one of the things that is high at the beginning of any new goal or endeavor but it typically wanes at some point. So, let’s talk about how to stay focused even when motivation takes a dive. 

  1. Set clear, REALISTIC, goals. Having an overall goal is great but it can be equally important to set smaller, short-term goals to help stay focused and engaged. Setting short-term goals that are easily achievable can lead to a feeling of success. That success leads to confidence and the belief that you can achieve your goals. Again, that doesn’t mean you can’t have a long-term goal or vision. It just means that focusing on what you can achieve week to week can help keep the fire of motivation alive.

  2. Focus on the things that you love to do. When it comes to health and wellness, there are so many habits and actions that we feel like we “should” do because they will help us reach our goals. But, what do you LIKE to do? What keeps you engaged during the journey? What are your favorite workouts, go-to recipes, and preferred ways to wind down?

  3. Choose habits and action steps that are EASY for you to do. They should be doable for your lifestyle and should be things you can do regardless of your mood or discipline. Keystone habits like drinking all of your water daily, getting in your target amount of daily steps, and eating your body weight in grams of protein are just a few examples.

  4. Keep your routine fresh by mixing things up. Try a new recipe, switch up your routine, or try a new environment for your workout.

  5. Reflect on why you wanted to achieve this goal to begin with. What was the driving force and what benefits would you experience when you reach your goal? How would life change?

Now, it’s your turn. What will you incorporate in order to stay motivated?