5 Benefits of Water Workouts (plus a High Intensity Pool Workout)

5 Benefits of Water Workouts (plus a High Intensity Pool Workout)

Water workouts are often underrated, but they offer incredible benefits for people of all fitness levels. Whether you’re looking for a low-impact option, a way to add resistance to your workouts, or an opportunity to challenge yourself with high-intensity movements, the pool is a fantastic tool for exercise. Water workouts can also be a great way to cross-train, offering a refreshing change from traditional land-based workouts. Plus, they are perfect for vacations or indoor pools during the winter months, ensuring you can stay active year-round. Here are five key benefits of water workouts and a sample high-intensity pool workout to get you started!

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Discover the Ultimate Pool Workout: HIIT Sessions that Burn Calories and Build Strength

Discover the Ultimate Pool Workout: HIIT Sessions that Burn Calories and Build Strength

If you're ready to shake up your fitness routine with something fun, effective, and refreshing, it's time to dive into Pool HIIT—a perfect blend of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and the low-impact benefits of water exercise. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced athlete, these 30 water-based workouts will help you torch calories, build muscle, and boost your endurance—all while enjoying the cooling, joint-friendly environment of the pool.

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Pool Workout: Cardio Strength Interval

Pool Workout: Cardio Strength Interval

Pool workouts or water workouts are awesome for so many reasons. As many of you know, they are very low impact making these this type of fitness great for those who are suffering from injury, joint pain or just like the feeling of no impact workouts for their body. Pool workouts are also great for cross training for any type of sport including professional, amateur and leisure sports. They’re also great to mix up workouts and keep things fresh and new.

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Low Impact Tabata

Low Impact Tabata

Most of our guests sign up for one of our fitness retreats to experience new workouts, get motivated and inspired and challenge themselves in a way they haven’t before. Tabata is a particularly challenging interval format and can be used in many different ways. It can be used for cardio, weights, core – you name it. It’s a form of HIIT (high intensity interval training). Like HIIT, Tabata exhausts the body and produces an “after burn” which means your body will burn calories at a higher rate for a longer period of time after your workout. To put it simply, your metabolism will be elevated slightly for minutes to hours after your workout – a HUGE win!!

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HIIT Bodyweight Workout

HIIT Bodyweight Workout

One of the things I love the most about bodyweight workouts is that you can do them anywhere. So whether you’re at home, on the road, at a local park or a friend’s house, you can do these anytime. No equipment needed (or very little).

I feel like our retreat guests are always fretting over getting to the gym. Well, most of the people I talk to regarding health and fitness have a common issue – “It’s just so hard to get to the gym most of the time”. Let’s face it, we’re all living in a time starved world. Between work, family, friends, vacation, general life duties and anything else in-between, it’s hard to find time for yourself.

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Quick Cardio: The Do Anywhere Workout

Quick Cardio: The Do Anywhere Workout

Ah…cardio! Love it or hate it? I actually like cardio – intense cardio. I like sweating out my impurities and feeling like I’ve worked really hard. I like challenging my body and tracking results so I can see my progress. I like feeling that exhausted – that happy goodness that comes with producing endorphins. Cardio might not be your favorite though, which is why I created this workout. It only takes 30 minutes and you’re done!

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20 Minute Calorie Torching Workout

20 Minute Calorie Torching Workout

We love HIIT workouts during our fitness retreats. They’re a great way to burn calories, challenge the body and experience new movements in a workout. Plus, this style of working out is perfect for those who don’t have a lot of time in general or done’t like spending a ton of time working out.

Ready to torch calories, tone your body and sweat it out? Burn baby, burn with this 20 minute full body HIIT workout. 

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6 Simple Interval Workouts To Do Anywhere

6 Simple Interval Workouts To Do Anywhere

Interval training has gained a huge amount of steam over the last several years. It may seem complicated but interval training is simply alternating short periods of intense exercise with periods of less intense activity or “active rest” (walking, marching in place or step touching are examples of active rest). Interval workouts are really very easy to incorporate and don’t necessarily include complicated movements either.

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