How We View Changes: Experimenting Vs The Outcome


What if we let go of the outcome when it comes to the changes we make? Seeing things through the lens of experimentation could create opportunities to gain more understanding, awareness and information about ourselves. 

As an example, let’s say you want to implement weekly meal prepping because you have a weight loss goal. You’ll do this every Sunday afternoon. 

Week 1 goes by and the meal prep doesn’t get done. That’s actually great because what you can learn is so important to how you proceed in the future. Is it really just a question or being able to follow through or not follow through? Does it really boil down to having the motivation or discipline or could it be because there are things that aren’t being seen? Rather than dwell on the outcome, how can we grow from it? Some of the questions that could be asked in this specific situation are:

  • Was it a scheduling issue?

  • Do you really want to spend Sunday afternoons meal prepping?

  • Did you need rest on Sunday instead of planning, running to the store and prepping?

  • Is this something that could be modified to fit your preferences so you can try it again -or- is it something that should be tossed for now in favor of a completely different system to have meals available for you?

No matter the situation or facet of life, if we can view these changes as experiments, we can dial in and understand what does or doesn’t work and WHY. With this approach, there is the possibility to let go of some of the “weight” we place on failing or succeeding. Ultimately, we never win or fail, we just learn. 


Curious about your thoughts on this subject. How do you view success and failure as a way to use that information for the future?

Suggested Reading: Switch by Chip & Dan Heath

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