What Does "Listening to Your Body" Actually Mean and How Can You Do It?

What Does "Listening to Your Body" Actually Mean and How Can You Do It?

From the blare of car horns to the hum of bustling conversation on our crowded city streets, it is all too easy in our modern world to fall out of step with ourselves. 

Our body gives us an array of cues to tell us it needs attention, but we often tend to ignore these signals. And in doing so, we can eventually end up in a more dire health situation. What does it mean though to “listen” to these messages from our body and how can we actually do it? 

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7 Simple Tips For Stress Reduction

7 Simple Tips For Stress Reduction

In these busy, hectic times, many people seek ways to reduce stress to get through their day. Whether your job, home life or other outside stressor is the culprit, most people are trying to find ways to reduce stress and/or eliminate it completely. Stress is a normal part of life, and sometimes, in certain situations, stress can increase productivity. But in cases of too much stress, this can have an impact on your health. Stress can cause headaches, high blood pressure, muscle aches and more. Stress comes in many different forms from mental to physical, chemical, electromagnetic, radiation and more. These seven tips may help reduce the stress in your life.

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