Proactive vs Reactive Choices

the power to choose: Proactive vs Reactive

So much of this journey is about how you feel - whether it be how you feel about yourself after you’ve just crushed your cravings, how you feel in your clothes, or how you feel when it comes to energy levels. Essentially, embracing your own power to choose means you are tuned into all of these various feelings. 


A conversation that comes up regularly with clients is the ability to be proactive vs reactive when it comes to your choices. It's easy to move through your days by “doing” first and then “feeling” as a result. You do the exercise and then feel proud. You choose the healthier meal and then feel energized. 

 “Every action you take is a vote for the person you wish to become.” James Clear

What if, instead of waiting for the feeling to come after you perform the task, you chose to lead with that desired feeling? This empowers YOU to choose in a way that honors what’s most important to you. It also allows you to tune in and connect to what allows you to feel and function your best both mentally and physically.


Feel the feeling first! Consider how you can embody that feeling and use it to propel you forward toward your goals. What action can you take NOW to embody that feeling?

Wrapping it up

All too often, we give our power away. We give it away to other people, things (food as an example), our own limiting beliefs and more. We empower our retreat guests and coaching clients to embrace their own power to honor themselves and their goals. Here are a few resources for continued support:

Write: Daily Gratitude Journal

Read: James Clear - Let Your Values Drive Your Choices

Coach: Vita Health Coaching

Attend a Retreat: Vita Wellness Camp