WORKOUT TIP: Exercise Snacking

What is exercise snacking?

One thing we like to talk about at the retreat is how our guests want to adopt anything the learn at home in their regular routine - one of the big contenders is fitness & exercise. Many of our clients are time starved (who isn’t these days, right?) which makes it tough at times to fit everything in. Carving out time to get in workouts can prove to be challenging. That’s where exercise snacking comes into play. This tool can be such an effective way to increase your activity level, get an energy boost throughout the day or get in a workout that might not otherwise happen due to time and scheduling constraints. 

Building in short bursts of movement throughout the day can help you accomplish more exercise in a way that works for your schedule, helps you break up the day and feels more manageable. 

How To Implement Exercise Snacking

The time you put in is up to you! We recommend 1-3 minutes every hour (you choose your time frame and cadence that works for your fitness level and your time constraints - remember that something is better than nothing). 

-Commit to a timeframe.

-Decide where these intervals will fit into your schedule. Schedule them in as you would any other appointment if need be. 

-Choose your movements - these can be anything that draws you to move and exercise. Strength, cardio, plyometrics, yoga, core, pilates, balance work - you get the idea. You can choose one specific movement for the entire duration and can remain the same for the entire day -or- you can choose a series of movements and mix things up from throughout the day or day to day.

-Experiment to see what works for YOU. Modify the movements and/or time duration as needed. 


Increased activity level.

Complete a workout that fits into your schedule without having to set aside a specific timeframe.

Feel and energy boost!

Take a brain break. 

Change your posture after sitting for a period of time. 

Get your blood flow going. 

Hello heart rate! :)

Lubricate your joints. 


-3 minutes at the beginning of every hour
-9am to 3pm
-1 min jog in place, 1 min push ups, 1 min squat jumps


Read: The Snack That Makes You Sweat

Attend: Vita Wellness Camp or a Private Fitness Retreat